Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Money, Biases and Political Power in the Media!

Howdy! My name is Kevin Parker and I've decided to publish a blog about money, biases and political power in the media. With an extensive variety of political beliefs and ideologies in my immediate family, mostly all of whom stemmed from media biases; I am convinced and persuaded to unraveling the power of these gigantic media corporations. Money is the dominant dictator of social and political status in this country, therefore with money as the governing body of media, it too controls our way of thinking! I became interested with the idea of how influential media is to the general population based on the information we receive through television advertisements, television shows and most significantly the news. I also would like to figure out the reasons why we receive the information with extreme biases. Throughout this blog I will post information exposing the amounts/ sources of money and reveal the amount of political clout most revered politicians have on censoring information to the general public. In this day and age, television has become the leading source of enlightenment and I would not like to be ignorant of the "truth". Therefore, with research and the input of ideas, facts and opinions from everyone in this class; I hope to become more knowledgeable on the truth of the media and know how to decipher between biases.


  1. Kevin,
    When you say corruption in the media, do you mean news channels, movies, TV shows, the internet, or all of the above?

  2. Yup- you are using the word media too monolithically. Your statement "corrupt" media corporations lies way too much on certain biases that you haven't proven or explained- I don't know what you mean by corrupt...
