Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Scholarly Article on Money and Democracy!

I chose to write my blog on the journal article “Building a democracy: People or corporations” by Marty Jezer and Randy Kehler. I found this journal article through the databases in the Texas A&M Universities library. I determined that the article was in fact a scholarly source by searching and locating the journal in the ULRICH’S Periodical Directory; the content type verified that it is an academic and scholarly source.

            The article “Building a democracy: People or corporations”, written by Marty Jezer and Randy Kehler puts a huge emphasis on the involvement of money in politics; and also examines how money has corrupted the democratic process and American values in a historical perspective.  Marty and Randy (2006), both articulates this message by stating,  “while the right to vote has been extended to all adult citizens regardless of race, creed, religion, sex, or economic status, the value of the vote has been deflated by the domination of the dollar” (2006, p. 57). The blatant truth in this statement is important to the authors overall agenda, in informing the readers to understand not only the present political atmosphere, but also the history of the relationship of politics and money within the United States. The author’s main topics within the article are the “History of Abuse”, the changes in legislation allowing for Super PAC’s and corporations to dictate the elections, and also the need for a “Grassroots Democracy Movement”.

            The author makes his argument that money in politics is corrupting the democratic system that was put in place by the Founding Fathers. This claim is supported by the author’s examination of American History and in particular the Compromise of 1877, Mark Hanna’s “free- wheeling” process of campaign funding in the McKinley and Bryan’s presidential campaign and also by describing politics of “the Gilded Age”. The author’s explanation of the needed grassroots democracy movement acts as the solution to the authors problems with our democratic system. The author lays out a list of alternative ways to promote equality among the individuals, and to take the vote back away from the corporations.

            Overall, this article is very informative and conveys and important message to the American people about the role of money in politics and how it can be detrimental to the democratic system, if we don’t change it soon. Even though this article was written in 1995, it still speaks true volume today, and is still applicable to the politics in 2012. The author made valid points and was very informative.

                                                                       Works Cited

Jezer, Marty, and Randy Kehler. "Building a democracy movement: People or corporations?" Social Policy. 26.1 (1995): 57-63. TAMU Library Database. Web. 23 Oct. 2012.



  1. The entire time I was reading your post, all I could think of was "money is the root of all evil." I found the claim, "the value of the vote has been deflated by the domination of the dollar" extremely fascinating. It's sad that money determines who people respect nowadays. I know a couple people who barely graduated high school and make millions, although it is unrare, how can someone respect him more than someone who has a phD making less money. Just a thought, but this is a great article and really goes well in to your topic!

  2. I find this post super interesting. I do not have a wide range of knowledge when it comes to politics. However, I find it fascinating what a role money plays in politics. What is even more interesting to me is the fact that this was written in 1995 and this is still information that is relavent... do we learn anything over the years?!
