Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Internet & the Media!

The internet has been a breeding ground for politicians, government agencies, media corporations and even individual citizens of the United States to post just about whatever they want to post on the World Wide Web.  The internet is a tremendous source of information about just about everything in the world and what is known to man. With this wealth of knowledge, people are able to become more educated, strive in their social lives and become more aware of foreign affairs. However, with this knowledge comes trouble at times. The internet while moderately regulated is still free and open to lies, biases and false truths.

Media Corporations such as CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC all have web sites which provide the same information that their television program provides. This is revolutionizing and makes it easier for their agendas to be advertised to the general public. The internet has a ton of resources which provides these corporations the ability to sell their agendas whether it’s through an official website, advertisements, emails or social networking. The internet has provided politics to be more readily accessible to the general public especially on social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter or MySpace. If you don’t believe me, log onto your Facebook around the presidential campaign season and count all of your friends with their political science doctoral degrees based on political status updates.

The important thing to take away from this blog is to be aware of the biases and lies that are posted on the internet every hour of the day. With this political season in full speed, careful research on the internet is necessary to not fall victim to corporate and social networking lies.


  1. The internet is a fascinating topic. Pretty much everything that is presented on TV is also online. With news each site that you look at for sure has its own biases. The internet just makes it easier to access these sources and view them side by side!

  2. I like the internet for news because of the vast variety of sites that I can go to. I am not limited, like the tv, to 4 or 5 companies. There are so many independent and small scale sites dedicated to the news. You'll still have the biases but at least there are more options which always leads to a more broadened view of a topic, I think.

  3. I also like the internet for news, it is biased like most news, but easier to access both side I think, which is why I use it so often.
